NATO Military Police Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Course 2022
October 2022, Bydgoszcz
By Public Affairs Office on August 2022
We are pleased to inform you that the NATO Military Police Centre of Excellence is organising NATO Military Police Senior Non-Commissioned Officer Course 2022 (MPSrNCOC22) from 10 to 14 Oct 2022 in Bydgoszcz, Poland.
The intent of this course is to prepare MP Senior NCOs for working in a multinational NATO environment either from a national and/or multinational MP perspective. Thus, the olMPSrNCOC22 is addressing broad multinational audience in which MP personnel works.
The course will provide students with an introductory level of knowledge on the following objectives and aims:
• explain individual MP capabilities of countries within a NATO/multinational environment;
• solve administrative and personnel issues within a NATO/multinational structure;
• execute commander’s intent in a NATO/multinational environment;
• provide company commanders with recommendations on MP employment in a NATO/multinational environment.
The seat capacity is limited to 24 students. The target audience for the course are primarily MP NCOs of NATO grade OR-6 to OR-8 from NATO and partner countries. However, because of the various levels of experience and exposures to NATO operations, OR-9 will be accepted too. Please be informed as well that we can accept only two participants per nation.
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