in November 2017
The course focused on the MP/Gendarmerie international cooperation and development of a common understanding of the differences in national capabilities.
To better understand MP interoperability in NATO-led operations, national MP presentations were provided and further deliberations on how to best integrate them in support of NATO Multinational operations were continued within syndicate groups.
The course was a mixture of various methods including interactive lectures, guided discussions, case studies, problem-based learning sessions (syndicate work), as well as demonstrations and performances. To further explore selected topics, national MP presentations, brainstorming and fire side chat session were conducted.
The following areas of special interest were discussed NATO MP Doctrine, Cross-Cultural Awareness, Military Decision Making Process and NATO Operational Planning Process. Additionally, International Law in relation to Military Police functions and NATO MP capabilities, MP developments worldwide, NATO MP Lessons Learned etc. were further elaborated on and discussed.
26 course participants representing 13 nations came from NATO (22) and PfP (4) countries. During the evaluation process, students confirmed that the main objectives, advising commanders and commands on NATO MP Doctrine and mission planning in a NATO operation, were reached and that they would recommend the course to their colleagues.
In 2017, the MPJOC will be conducted on 25-29 September and its registration will be initiated not later than eight weeks prior to the event.