The NATO Military Police Senior Non-commissioned Officer Course (MPSrNCOC)
16 Oct 2017
20 Oct 2017
NATO Military Police Centre of Excellence (NATO MP COE) successfully conducted the fith edition of the NATO Military Police Senior Non-commissioned Officer Course (MPSrNCOC)
On 16-20 October 2017, the NATO MP COE held the fifth edition of the MPSrNCOC. This time with reference 2017-2 (MPSrNCOC17-2). During the event, representatives of 11 NATO nations, and 1 NATO partner country (in total 21 students) had an opportunity not only to gain theoretical knowledge, but also to practise their newly acquired skills during intensive syndicate works.
on October 2017
The main goals of the MPSrNCOC17-2 were to provide detailed awareness regarding administrative and personnel issues (the fundamental one), as well as to give recommendation to Military Police (MP) company commander’s intent while operating in a NATO/multinational structure, and to enhance operational knowledge in the field of MP capabilities in order to prepare MP staff for working in a NATO/multinational environment at the company level. In details, the following crucial factors conditioning MP operating in the multinational operation were discussed, i.e. a diversity of the NATO rank structure and experience level for various ranks for particular countries; impacts of cultural awareness on leadership of an MP SM; coping with mechanism to solve various administrative and personnel issues of multinational MP company; importance of security and impacts of violating security rules within a NATO/multinational environment.
The outcome of the MPSrNCOC17-2 was very positive, the course met all NATO standards and therefore the main goals were fully achieved. Lectures, delivered both by external and internal briefers, provided the highest possible value to the course participants by covering the most significant questions in their future awareness regarding the above-mentioned package of different MP-related issues.
It is also necessary to emphasize that the lectures clarified the individual countries’ MP capabilities within NATO/multinational environment and that the essential part, giving recommendations to commanders on MP employment in a NATO/multinationally-led operations, was provided by a complex case scenario.
Furthermore, this was the best opportunity to broaden the MP Community of Interest and to establish new contacts and friendships.
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